
Makeup Brushes Review

Great eye makeup can make or break your look, and the best eye makeup brushes will help you create a ...

Just Got My New Glasses

You just picked up your new glasses- how exciting! But, when you get a new pair of glasses, especially if ...

Best Makeup Remover in 2023

The best makeup removers dissolve makeup and help clarify your pores without stripping your skin of protective oils. If you ...

What is Color Blindness?

What exactly is color blindness? It typically doesn’t mean that you can’t see any color at all, it just means ...

Enhance Your Eye Color With These Eye Shadows

If you want to put your best face forward, the best eye shadow for you depends on your eye color. ...

Online Glasses or Eye Doctor Glasses?

Online shopping has gotten a lot more popular over the last decade. It is fast and convenient for a lot ...

What is 20/20 Vision?

I am not exaggerating when I tell you I get this question all the time! I love when my patients ...

Retinal Detachments 101

Retinal detachments are an absolute eye emergency and I have found that a lot of patients wait a few days ...

What causes a Lazy Eye?

First of all, "lazy eye" is kind of an older term. Most newer doctors are slowly phasing it out, and ...

Reason For Your Eye Color

Our eye color is something that is written into our DNA, predetermined before we are even born! It isdetermined by ...

Will Marijuana Cure Glaucoma?

This is a pretty common question I get at the office, mostly just out of pure curiosity. There have been ...

What is Myopia Progression?

Does it seem like every year when you bring your kids in for their check-up their vision continues toworsen? When ...