Am I a Good Candidate for LASIK?

Would I be a good candidate for LASIK?” This is a question I get daily. The answer seems like it shouldbe pretty simple but there are quite a few things that go into determining whether or not LASIK is aprocedure that would benefit you. Today I’m going to give a rundown of what we generally…

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Contact Lens Safety 101

October is “Contact Lens Safety Awareness Month” and I would like to take the time today to educateyou on the best way to care for your contact lenses to help prevent any complications. According to theCDC, there are 45 million contact lens wearers in the United States, which is about 15% of thepopulation. Are Contact…

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Why Get Dilated?


Dilation during an eye exam is the best way to check for eye diseases and catch them early. The earlier we catch diseases and start to treat them, the better the visual outcome typically so it is really important to catch things as early as possible! Some eye diseases will have no symptoms at the…

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Pregnancy Vision Changes

Women’s bodies undergo a lot of changes while pregnant. Some are pretty obvious, but I havefound that many people do not realize that a lot of women have changes with their vision and theireyes. Most of these changes are mild and will return to normal after delivery, but others can signifymore serious issues so I…

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You Should Use Both an Eye Serum and an Eye Cream

Our eyes are one of the first places we begin to show the visible signs of aging. Undereye wrinkles can begin to form as early as your 20s. Dark circles, puffy eyes, and undereye bags can begin to form in your teens. To address these issues, you need to identify designated eye care products. This…

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Basics of Contact Lens Solution

Contact lenses lay directly on your eye, improve vision, and come in soft and hard varieties. Because they are more comfortable to use than hard lenses, soft contacts are the most common. This eyewear is usually safe as long as they are used and cared for properly. Using the contact lens cleaner that your optometrist…

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Reason For Your Eye Color

Our eye color is something that is written into our DNA, predetermined before we are even born! It isdetermined by the genes that we receive from our parents. We receive an allele from each parent. Itisn’t as simple as you think, though. Children can have totally different colored eyes than their parents.Eleven different genes control…

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Rapid And Effective Under Eye Bag Treatments

Have you ever woken up in the morning only to find your eyes looking puffy or swollen? You aren’t alone. Our eyes are an essential part of how we communicate and express ourselves. If they look less than their best, we look aged and tired. The treatments below help minimize bags, puffy, and swollen eyes…

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The Best Eyelash Curlers for Straight Lashes

Not everyone is born with long lashes. Even if your lashes are long, they may not curl the way you desire. If falsies and extensions aren’t your style, a lash curler can deliver the look you want. Not to worry, as they only add another minute to your beauty routine. Below are the best lash…

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What causes a Lazy Eye?

First of all, “lazy eye” is kind of an older term. Most newer doctors are slowly phasing it out, and prefer to diagnose it as one of two things: Strabismus or Amblyopia. Today, I’ll be talking about these and how they are related to what most people know as a lazy eye. Strabismus Let’s tackle…

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